Let's Talk Conflict

会议可以在微软团队中进行,也可以面对面或通过电话进行. You also reach us over email. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Elise Krumholz | Coordinator for Student Conflict Resolution Services |            303-605-7018 | [email protected]

Conflict is a normal part of life. 它会让人感到压力、沮丧,并带来不确定性. In fact, many see conflict as a negative. However, 冲突可以带来更牢固的关系, encouraging growth, and building understanding.

There are ways to engage in conflict through the discomfort and challenges it may bring. Student Conflict Resolution Services (SCRS) provides a variety of programs and services to support students experiencing conflict in both individual and group settings and through skill-building and facilitation support.

SCRS recognizes that individuals have differing needs and interests when approaching conflicts. SCRS also acknowledges that our personal experiences and social identities are fundamental to how we do and see conflict, and therefore we cannot ignore, undervalue, 或者在皇冠官网网站有冲突的时候避免谈论身份. As mentioned, conflict can bring discomfort and it can leave us feeling vulnerable. SCRS帮助学生以一种适合他们的方式处理这些情况.


  • issues with a classmate or group project
  • conflict with a roommate
  • disagreement with a professor
  • 学生就业和实习相关问题
  • student organization
  • student employment training and retreats

Interested in a Student Employment Opportunity with Student Conflict Resolution Services?

Check out the below positions and apply!

Conflict Resolution Program Assistant

Dialogues Program Assistant 

如果您有任何问题,请联系Elise Krumholz [email protected]

Programs & Services

Student Conflict Resolution Programs

Student Conflict Resolution Services Values

To develop a supportive environment, SCRS approaches conflict, it's services and programs,

Community: SCRS致力于通过响应服务密歇根州立大学丹佛社区, collaborative, 并支持校园内的社区建设工作, 鼓励跨越分歧的对话和解决问题.

Inclusion & Equity: SCRS重视与社会正义相一致的冲突解决实践, equity, and inclusion, by offering students conflict resolution options to the MSU Denver community that are culturally responsive and challenge normative views of conflict resolution.

Voice & Self-Determination: All SCRS services and programs are voluntary, 建立空间,尊重和授权参与人员的声音, 任何过程的所有结果都掌握在相关人员的手中, not the facilitator.

Multipartiality: 在任何冲突解决过程中,调解人或调解人的角色必须明确. Honesty and trust are fundamental for any relationship with individuals seeking support from SCRS. To support a peaceful and just resolution, SCRS promotes multipartiality, which upholds each sides’ voice while also understanding that many conflicts are asymmetric, 一方可能比另一方更有权力. In addition, the facilitator is clear with all involved about their own affiliations and biases.